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Spring Startup

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Spring Startup Guide

A quick and comprehensive homeowner’s guide to switching your sprinkler system back on without hiring a technician-- trusted by DIY’ers, and backed by experts.

Whether you have Irrigreen’s all-digital precision irrigation system or a traditional mechanical sprinkler, turning on your in-ground irrigation is quicker and easier than you think.


Reconnect Power and Internet

To get started plug your controller power supply to an outlet.

Once the system is powered up and online, let it download the latest software updates. This process takes ~30 minutes, once complete your controller will have the green LED status light intermittently blink like this:

For Smart Controller 3, the display will read 'UPDATING.'

If your controller was online in the winter you can skip to the next step.

You can also check the Irrigreen App and make sure the system is online and connected to the Irrigreen Cloud Network.

Look for the green center dot in the status icon of the home page.


Turn on mainline

After the last freeze of the season, you are ready to turn your system on.

  • Locate the backflow outside and turn the supply valve off that is coming directly from the mainline (it should be in a 45 degree angle).

  • Using a flathead screwdriver, unscrew the pressure release screws 90 degrees.

  • Locate your mainline valve (either inside the house in basement/crawlspace or in a valve box in your yard) and open it so water can flow.


Close downstream valve

  • With the mainline water on, return to backflow preventer, close the downstream valve leading out to the sprinkler system.


  • With the Downstream valve leading out to your Irrigreen closed, slowly open the Supply valve. Since it will be a quick charge of the line, some water may escape out the top spray. This is not a concern if it isn't persistent.


Check for leaks

  • If you experience a leak, your backflow preventer may be damaged. Contact the manufacturer or a plumber for assistance.

  • With the supply valve open, you can now open your downstream valve and let the water flow to your Irrigreen heads.


Run a schedule

  • Let the lines charge for a few minutes. After that, try running a schedule from your app and pay attention to this first run of the season, if you notice inconsistency in throw your lines may still have some built up ice in the lines that need to melt, allow the heads to run long enough until spray is consistent.

  • TIP: If you see anything that may be a concern, contact Customer Service immediately.

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